What is IT Security Awareness Training for Employees?

Improving security behaviours
CultureAI Team
June 12, 2023
Security Awareness Pros

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⚡ TL;DR ⚡


Security awareness isn't a trendy buzzword or a fleeting interest. Rather, it's a bedrock principle, essential to the stability and success of any organisation. It's akin to the immune system of the digital body, constantly on guard against cyber threats.

Over the years, organisations of all sizes have come to recognise the vital role IT security awareness plays in their overall cyber security strategy. This is not a mere compliance checkbox but a continuous journey of education and vigilance that evolves with the ever-changing cyber threat landscape.

IT Security Awareness Training for Employees serves to equip employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to spot potential risks and guard against them.

Organisations use IT security awareness training to arm their employees with knowledge.

In the end, your organisation isn't just a collection of systems and databases; it's a community of people. And in the world of IT security, people matter just as much as passwords.

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Cyber security awareness training isn't just about teaching employees how to spot a dodgy email or suspicious link. It's about creating a culture of cyber resilience, where every employee understands their role in safeguarding the organisation's digital assets.

Here's the deal: cybercriminals are no longer just targeting your IT infrastructure. They're targeting your people. They're crafting cunning phishing schemes, deploying deceptive ransomware, and using social engineering tactics to trick your employees into granting them access.

In this context, your employees aren't just part of your organisation; they're part of your defence. With the proper knowledge, they can recognise these threats and respond appropriately, preventing potential breaches.

Moreover, cyber security awareness training helps fulfil regulatory requirements, demonstrating to stakeholders that you take information security seriously.

Read more about our cyber security awareness training for employees.


Imagine playing a chess game, but it's dark, and you have no clue about your opponent's moves. Sounds like a surefire way to lose, right? The same principle applies to cyber security. Without security awareness training, your employees may inadvertently expose your organisation to threats they don't recognise.

It's simple: the more your team knows about the cyber threat landscape, the better they can guard against it. This training equips them with the ability to recognise suspicious emails, risky links, and other digital traps set by cybercriminals. It's about empowering employees that then complement your technological defences.

Training equips employees with the ability to recognise suspicious emails, risky links, and other digital traps set by cybercriminals.

But it's not just about protecting the organisation. It's also about safeguarding employees' personal information. Let's face it, in this interconnected world, our work and personal lives often overlap. By understanding cyber security best practices, employees can protect not just their work data, but also their personal data from prying digital eyes.

In the short term, security awareness training can help prevent costly cyber incidents. But in the long run, it fosters a security-conscious culture where every employee plays their part in maintaining the organisation's digital health. It's an investment in empowering your employees, and in turn, fortifying your organisation.

After all, cybersecurity is not a one-person show; it's a team effort. And well-informed team players make all the difference.


Let's face it, traditional security awareness training can often feel like trying to herd cats. Ensuring everyone completes their modules, chasing down stragglers, and wrestling with a lack of reporting - it's enough to make even the most seasoned IT professional break into a cold sweat. Add to this the one-size-fits-all approach to training content, and you've got a recipe for disengaged employees and underwhelming results.

This is where automation steps in. Automated IT security awareness training is the future-proof solution to these challenges. It promises to streamline the process, enhance engagement, and provide comprehensive reporting. With automation, we're looking at a shift from a generic lecture to a personalised, interactive experience.

It's about making IT security awareness training smarter, not harder.

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Have you ever tried to fit a square peg in a round hole? That's how generic security training often feels. But with personalised security awareness modules, you can reshape that peg to fit perfectly. These interactive, bite-sized modules are tailored to cover every conceivable security and privacy topic, from phishing to password hygiene.

Each module meets the compliance requirements of PCI, ISO 27001, GDPR, and HIPAA. But it's not just about ticking regulatory boxes. These modules are designed to engage and resonate with your employees. They offer a learning experience that's as unique as the individuals receiving the training.

Imagine an employee in accounting learning about the specific risks related to financial data. Or your HR team understanding how to handle personal information securely. This is what personalised security awareness training looks like. It's about giving your employees the precise tools they need to build their digital defences. And that's a game-changer.


Every employee is unique, and so is their cyber risk profile. A one-size-fits-all approach to security training won't cut it. Enter personalised content based on employee behaviour - a smarter, more intuitive way to educate your staff.

This approach tailors training content to match each individual's risk and behaviour profile. It's like a personal trainer for cyber fitness, offering custom workout routines based on the individual's strengths and weaknesses. The training material adapts to past behaviours and actions, creating a dynamic learning experience that evolves with the employee.

Automated security awareness programs can take into account over 40 employee behaviour measurements. This granular approach enables you to target specific areas of risk, enhancing the effectiveness of your training.

When it comes to IT security, knowledge is power. And personalised content delivers that knowledge in a way that's meaningful, engaging, and, most importantly, effective.


In an ideal world, security teams would be free to focus on threats and vulnerabilities, not chasing employees to complete their training. Thankfully, with automated reminders, that ideal world becomes a reality.

Automated reminders transform the way you manage your IT security awareness training. Gone are the days of manual tracking and constant chasing. Instead, the system takes the reins, sending out custom reminders to employees to complete their training.

Whether through email, Slack, Teams, or Workplace, these reminders gently nudge employees, keeping the importance of cyber defence training front of mind. Even line managers can be looped into the process, fostering a team-driven approach to training completion.

Automated reminders take the admin out of administration, freeing up your security team to concentrate on what they do best - safeguarding your organisation.

Read more about our automated security awareness platform.


Reporting can be tough when all of your information is scattered across multiple tracking methods, buried in Excel sheets, and hidden in complex data points. You need a streamlined, user-friendly solution: comprehensive reporting.

With comprehensive reporting, measuring and tracking completion rates becomes that much easier. No more wading through scattered data or dealing with uncooperative spreadsheets. Instead, you gain access to easy-to-understand, shareable dashboards that provide a clear picture of your training progress.

This not only makes life easier for your IT team, but it also simplifies reporting to C-level executives. With a glance, they can see the progress being made, reinforcing the value of your security awareness program. Plus, when it's time for compliance audits, you have all the necessary data right at your fingertips.

Comprehensive reporting isn't just a feature; it's a tool that empowers your organisation to make informed decisions, track progress, and continually improve your IT security awareness training. Because when it comes to cyber security, clarity is just as important as vigilance.

Cyber security awareness training equips your team with the knowledge and skills to spot cyber threats, bolstering your overall security posture.


Investing in cyber security awareness training equips your team with the knowledge and skills to spot cyber threats, bolstering your overall security posture. It cultivates a culture of cyber vigilance. More than just ticking compliance boxes, it offers tangible benefits, including improved data protection, reduced risk of breaches, and a safer digital environment.

Indeed, the ripple effect of such training stretches far beyond the confines of your IT department. Here are a few key benefits that resonate across your organisation:

  • Increased employee confidence: With training, employees become more confident in their ability to handle cyber threats, reducing anxiety and fostering a sense of empowerment.
  • Enhanced brand reputation: A robust security posture signals to clients, partners, and stakeholders that you take data protection seriously, building trust and enhancing your brand image.
  • Cost savings: By preventing security breaches, you avoid the potentially enormous costs associated with data loss, system downtime, and regulatory fines.
  • Improved customer trust: Customers feel more confident sharing their data with businesses that prioritise security, improving customer relations and retention.

Cyber security awareness training is more than a strategy; it's an investment in your people, your reputation, and your future.


In the realm of cyber security, we need to shift our perspective. We need to move beyond the idea of security awareness training as a check-the-box exercise and instead see it as a data-driven, strategic approach to human risk management. And that's where CultureAI steps into the picture.

CultureAI is not your traditional security awareness platform. It's a comprehensive solution that empowers your employees on a daily basis to spot and remediate risks. It's about creating a culture where preventing security incidents becomes second nature.

The CultureAI platform stands head and shoulders above the rest, delivering personalised, engaging security training automatically. It brings together all the best-in-class features we've discussed - from customised security modules that meet key compliance requirements to personalised content based on individual employee behaviour.

But it doesn't stop there. CultureAI also offers automated reminders, ensuring that your team stays on top of their training without the need for constant chasing. Plus, the comprehensive reporting capabilities provide a clear, easy-to-understand snapshot of your organisation's training progress.

With CultureAI, you're not just implementing a training program. You're fostering a security-conscious culture, backed by data-driven insights. You're equipping your employees with the knowledge and tools they need to recognise and respond to cyber threats effectively.

In essence, CultureAI's platform is about redefining how we approach security awareness, placing your employees at the heart of your cyber security strategy. Because in the battle against cyber threats, your people can be your strongest asset.

Learn more about how CultureAI can revolutionise your approach to IT security awareness training today or read further on this topic and see our custom security awareness training post.

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